World of warcraft auctioneer

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If you hold down shift, it'll show you even more details.

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Once the scanning is completed, you'll start to see auction statistics when you mouse-over an item. To activate the scanning functionality you just click the regular search button on the main browse page, and you'll see a progress appear at the top of the Auction House window to let you know it's doing something. The new Auctioneer being built from the ground up only currently has minimal functionality that includes the ability to scan all items from any browsing you perform at the auction house. If there's significant demand for additional features, then I'll be adding them after the basic functionality is completed, so let me know what you'd like to see added, I'll rely on your feedback to let me know what to add next. So I have committed myself to rewriting a new Auctioneer for 8.3 and completing the basic functionality first. I felt that forcing the new changes into the existing Auctioneer would have led to many issues, and that starting from scratch was the way to go. While the current version of Auctioneer could have been hacked up to work with it, it was originally written many years ago and there have since been many improvements to World of Warcraft, the new Auction House not withstanding.

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With the new version of WoW, the Auction House API has drastically changed. I've just finished the fourth beta version of Auctioneer for WoW 8.3 (Visions of N'Zoth).